To reduce a constraint graph to a tree structure, two approaches can be used that are ()and tree decomposition. 为了简化约束图为树结构,有两种方法可以采用,即()和树分解。
To reduce a constraint graph to a tree structure, two approaches can be used that are ()and tree decomposition. 为了简化约束图为树结构,有两种方法可以采用,即()和树分解。
正确答案:cutset conditioning
- 上一篇:In choosing a new value for a variable, min-conflicts heuristic is to select the value that results in the () with other variables.在对一个变量选择一个新值时,最小冲突启发式选择导致与其它变量呈现()的值。
- 下一篇:Learned the differences between single-agent problem and multi-agent problem, select a correct one form following descriptions.学习了单智能体问题和多智能体问题之间的区别后,从如下描述中选择正确的答案。