Knowing the financing channels, how to find potential investors? In fact, there are two ways to find investors: one is to wait for investors to come to you, and the other is to find investors by yourself. First of all, how to get investors to find you. ho

Knowing the financing channels, how to find potential investors? In fact, there are two ways to find investors: one is to wait for investors to come to you, and the other is to find investors by yourself. First of all, how to get investors to find you. how many methods are OK()as following.

A.Actively seek Internet media coverage

B.Push your products to free promotion channels

C.Push your product to financing platforms

D.Settled in incubator & joint office space

E.Make yourself a brand

F.Participate in innovation and entrepreneurship competitions

正确答案:Actively seek Internet media coverage;Push your products to free promotion channels;Push your product to financing platforms;Settled in incubator & joint office space;Make yourself a brand;Participate in innovation and entrepreneurship competitions

Tag:大学生创新创业实践 时间:2022-01-19 21:58:28
