Although some research articles don't have stand-alone literature review sections, It's suggested to have an independent literature review part in an academic presentation under certain conditions, which of the following does not belong to the nec

Although some research articles don't have stand-alone literature review sections, It's suggested to have an independent literature review part in an academic presentation under certain conditions, which of the following does not belong to the necessary conditions?

A.When there is a large number of complicated previous relevant studies.

B.When there are some difficult or newly-emerged terminologies that need to be further explained to make sure a correct understanding of the research contents.

C.When one can real a clear research gap and identify the specific research question very accurately in the introduction part of the presentation.

D.When there are contradictory views or methods towards the same research question that requires a more detailed comparison to identify the deficiency.

正确答案:When one can real a clear research gap and identify the specific research question very accurately in the introduction part of the presentation.

Tag:学术英语演讲 时间:2022-02-16 21:08:29