
45、Last month, I received a letter from an old friend.

46、When she was little, she loved playing under the tree.

47、In the past few years, I met many interesting people.

48、We took a walk in the park last night.

49、At that time, he had not become a famous painter yet.

50、When I was a child, my favorite holiday was Christmas.

51、We made great progress in the past year.

52、He went to a bar with friends last night.

53、When I was a child, my father used to tell me bedtime stories every night.

54、We met a very interesting person during our trip last month.

55、We had an unforgettable holiday by the seaside last week.

56、She always wore pink dresses when she was little.

57、Last night, I saw a beautiful butterfly.

58、I read many good books in the past year.

59、During this past period, we have been thinking about the future.

60、He watched a new movie at home last night.

61、When I was a child, I often played with friends.

62、Last month, we went camping in the mountains together.

63、We faced many challenges during this past year.

64、They went to a concert together last night.

65、Yesterday, I bought a new pair of shoes at the store.

66、I learned to drive in the past few years.

67、When she was a child, her favorite toy was a doll.

68、I attended many social events in the past year.

69、During this past period, we have been waiting for an opportunity.

70、He watched a football match at home last night.

71、When I was a child, I used to help my dad with the housework every day.

72、Last month, I participated in a conference on business management.

73、Last night, we had a great time at the party.

74、When I was a child, I loved playing hide-and-seek with my friends.

75、She traveled to Europe for the first time last summer.

76、We visited the museum and learned about ancient history last week.

77、He scored a goal in the soccer match yesterday.

78、When I was young, I visited my grandparents every summer.

79、They had a wonderful wedding ceremony two years ago.

80、Last month, I attended a photography exhibition and saw some amazing pictures.

81、We visited the famous landmark and took lots of photos last year.

82、When I was a child, I visited Disneyland and had a magical experience.

83、She won the singing competition last month and received a trophy.

Tag:过去式的句子 时间:2023-08-04 22:10:10