
D、The importance of leadership


12、What does the word “free” mean in The Bluest Eye as a result of failed quest?

A、Acting as an outlaw

B、Free from social responsibility and emotional attachment

C、No family attachment

D、Leading a wandering life


13、In the poem, Animals in that country, why is the activity of bullfighting alluded?

A、It tells man’s close encounter with death.

B、It shows the reader the rich tradition in European continent associated with animals

C、It shows the bravery of human being

D、It describes the bloody scene for the reader


14、What in the poem makes the bullfight a ritualistic event?

A、Blowing of trumpet and naming the bull

B、Killing the bull with a sword

C、The bull is made manlike

D、The bull is embroidered with blood


15、How do you interpret the tradition of foxhunting in the Great Britain?

A、It is a representation of gentry culture.

B、It is a barbarous tradition.

C、It is a pretentious tradition.

D、It is a practice of the peasants.


16、Why does Pecola identify herself with dandelions?

A、It is a kind of weed.

B、It is vulnerable

C、It is useful

D、It is ignored and distained.


17、Why do you think hair is considered the source of one’s strength?

A、Because it seems to grow unceasingly.

B、Because it is a symbol of one’s sexuality.

C、Because it is usually covered up for prudence’s sake.

D、Because it is unusually long.


18、Why do people of certain profession wear uniform?

A、Because uniform is a symbol of one’s class.

B、Because uniform erases one’s individuality and stresses uniformity.

C、Because uniform makes one look handsome.

D、Because uniform is a symbol of one’s social status.


19、Why has corset been popular among women even in modern days?

A、Because it is inexpensive and pretty.

B、Because it accentuates the shapely curve of a woman.

C、Because woman’s hourglass shape is considered as having the utmost aesthetic value.

Tag:超星尔雅 学习通 诺奖作家英文作品赏析 时间:2021-09-28 14:57:12