

A.The Internet supplements the traditional tools people use to gather information and communicate with each other.No wonder it has gained its popular name “the information superhighway”.

B.The Internet is the traditional tools people use to gather information and communicate with each other.No wonder it has gained its popular name “the information superhighway”.

C.The Internet develops the traditional tools people use to gather information and communicate with each other.No wonder it has gained its popular name “the information superhighway”.

D.People use the Internet to gather information and communicate with each other.No wonder it has gained its popular name “the information superhighway”.

正确答案: The Internet supplements the traditional tools people use to gather information and communicate with each other.No wonder it has gained its popular name “the information superhighway”.

Tag:商务英语翻译技巧 因特网 传统 时间:2022-01-11 21:43:40
