Planners used in real world for planning and scheduling are more complex, so that select the following correct things which should be extend:现实世界中用于规划和调度的规划者更为复杂,因此选择以下哪些应该扩展。

Planners used in real world for planning and scheduling are more complex, so that select the following correct things which should be extend:现实世界中用于规划和调度的规划者更为复杂,因此选择以下哪些应该扩展。

A.the representation language表示语言

B.the planning algorithms规划算法

C.the way to interact with environment与环境交互的方式

D.the approach used for planning用于规划的途径

正确答案:the representation language表示语言;the way to interact with environment与环境交互的方式

Tag:人工智能原理 语言 方式 时间:2022-01-15 21:44:47

