
A.insert into student(sid,sname,depart) values(‘2016001’,’张红’,’管理系’)

B.insert into student values(‘2016001’,’张红’,’管理系’)

C.insert into student (sid,sname,depart) values("2016001","张红","管理系")

D.insert into student(sid,sname,depart) values(‘2016001’,’张红’,’管理系’,‘计应’)

正确答案:insert into student(sid,sname,depart) values(‘2016001’,’张红’,’管理系’)



A.select * from student where age between 20 to 23

B.select * from student where age between 20 and 23

C.select * from student where age from 20 to 23

D.select * from student

正确答案:select * from student where age between 20 and 23


A.select * from student where age not between 20 and 23

B.select * from student where age not between 20 to 23

C.select * from student where not age from 20 to 23

D.select * from student where age between 20 and 23

正确答案:select * from student where age not between 20 and 23


A.select * from student where depart=’ 信息技术系’ and depart=’ 机电工程系’ and depart=’ 管理系’

B.select * from student where depart=”信息技术系”and depart=”机电工程系”and depart=”管理系”

C.select * from student where depart in(’信息技术系’,’机电工程系’,’管理系’)

D.select * from student where depart in(”信息技术系”,”机电工程系”,”管理系”)

正确答案:select * from student where depart in(’信息技术系’,’机电工程系’,’管理系’)


A.select * from student where not depart=’ 信息技术系’ and depart=’ 机电工程系’ and depart=’ 管理系’

B.select * from student where depart not in(’信息技术系’,’机电工程系’,’管理系’)

C.select * from student where not depart=”信息技术系”and depart=”机电工程系”and depart=”管理系”