


1、Mercantilists believed that a nation would benefit from achieving

A.an even trade balance(exports equal to imports).

B.a positive or favorable trade balance(exports larger than imports).

C.As much self-sufficiency as possible(minimal exports and imports).

D.A trade deficit, funded by loans from other nations.

正确答案:a positive or favorable trade balance(exports larger than imports).

2、The theory of absolute advantage was developed by

A.the Mercantilists.

B.David Hume.

C.Adam Smith.

D.David Ricardo.

正确答案:Adam Smith.








2、An import tariff is

A.a schedule of approved rates or prices for imports.

B.a tax levied on an imported product.

C.a quantitative restriction on imports.

D.a government prohibition against imports of certain sensitive products.

正确答案:a tax levied on an imported product.

3、A tax of 10 percent on imports of shoes would be an example of a specific tariff.。




4、If a country places a 10 percent tariff on imports of shoes and a 5 percent tariff on imports of all materials required for making shoes, the effective rate of protection provided for the shoemaking industry will be

A.higher than 10 percent.

B.10 percent.

C.5 percent.

D.between 10 percent and 5 percent, depending on the importance of imported materials.

正确答案:higher than 10 percent.

5、The small nation model for estimating welfare effects of tariffs applies to

A.nations that populations below ten million people.

B.nations with per capita income levels below $500 per year.

C.nations that are smaller than their major trading partners.

D.nations that are price takers, too small to affect through their own supply or demand the trading price of the particular product in question.

正确答案:nations that are price takers, too small to affect through their own supply or demand the trading price of the particular product in question.

6、If a nation fitting the criteria for the small nation model imposes a 10 percent tariff on imports of autos

A.the price of autos within the nation will rise by 10 percent.

B.the price of autos within the nation will rise by more than 10 percent, because of high effective protection.