
C.the price of autos within the nation will rise, but by less than 10 percent because it is a small nation.

D.the price of autos will not rise because of internal competition.

正确答案:the price of autos within the nation will rise by 10 percent.

7、The redistributive effect of a tariff refers to。

A.the tariff revenue going to the domestic government.

B.the higher profits received by domestic producers at the expense of consumers.

C.the funds transferred to domestic producers to compensate for their relative inefficiency, compared with foreign producers.

D.redistribution of profits from foreign producers to domestic producers.

正确答案:the higher profits received by domestic producers at the expense of consumers.

8、A nation that creates a tariff high enough to preserve the domestic market entirely for domestic producers will also benefit from significant tariff revenue.。




9、If a ;large nation;imposes an import tariff。

A.the domestic price of the product will increase by more than the tariff itself.

B.the welfare loss to the nation will be larger than in the small country model.

C.the nation will gain static welfare if the benefit from forcing foreign producers to reduce their export price exceeds the protective effect plus the deadweight loss from the tariff.

D.the effects on the nation';s trading partners probably will be too small for them to notice.

正确答案:the welfare loss to the nation will be larger than in the small country model.

10、An import quota is a nontariff trade barrier that。

A.places a percentage tax on certain imports.

B.places a specific dollar amount of tax on certain imports.

C.rewards firms for meeting or exceeding their sales quotas.

D.places a limit on the quantity of goods that may be importeD.

正确答案:places a limit on the quantity of goods that may be imported.

11、To avoid the uncertainty about which foreign nations will be allowed to export to a nation using quota restrictions, that nation is likely to implement a;a selective quota.。




12、An import quota will not raise the domestic price of the product as would a tariff, because it is not a tax on imports.。




13、Health and safety standards established by national governments cannot be considered nontariff trade barriers.。